© 2015 admin Dance Cover lovely

Camille & John-Paul’s beautiful Indian wedding in Baltimore

Claudio and I spent Labor Day weekend photographing our friends’ wedding in Baltimore, and the celebration included many traditional Indian wedding customs. So beautiful! So colorful! So fun!

Here’s just some of the many photos we took.  Love these two…

camille mirror color

getting ready pics i love

girls getting dressed cropped

girls dresses vertical

hands and veil detail


earrings favorites bwfriends lookingCamille getting ready portrait

detail - his top

JP getting ready

getting ready bw

JP hat and shoes

JP ready

First Look crop

best first look 3

First Look II

laugh portrait crop


portrait sweet look

kiss portrait bw sqgroups family pic

the girls!

heading to ceremony

baraat on the horse!

baraat II baraat rounding the corner

window watch

baraat IV

sibling dancebaraat III

baraat end

baraat mom detail


pre ceremony mirror poses

pre ceremony

overall view ceremony crop

ceremony entrance

ceremony favorite!

ceremony stage wide

ceremony hands

ceremony forehead

ceremony laugh bw wedding vertical detail

ceremony detail

ceremony end


post ceremony getting ready

first look again

first look again III

portraits after ceremony

spiral stairs kiss

groups late night duo

groups late night



toasts joy

best smiles ever

dance floor beauty


dance vertical

dance laugh

dancing center

dance fav alt

dancing detail

dad dance

dad & daughter dance


dance floor white

dance floor yellow

dance floor greendance flo I

dance floor group hug

end of the night dance

girls photo booth duo

end of the night dancing

end of the night

end of the night II3235_C+JP_wedding